Hohlkathodenlampen 37mm / 1,5" Einzelelemente für alle AAS Spektrometer

Einzelelement Lampen codiert und uncodiert für Spektrometer von GBC, Shimadzu, Hitachi, Analytik Jena, ThermoFisher Scientific, Thermo Unicam, Agilent (Varian),

1.5“ / 37 mm standard HKL for all AAS instruments

GBC – Shimadzu – Thermo / Unicam – Varian – Analytik Jena - ...

with diameter- and connection adapter suitable for Perkin Elmer instruments, but we recommend for Perkin Elmer our 2.0" / 51 mm HKL. All lamps are suitable for Smith-Hieftje!


Bild 1: M1000 Serie ohne Kodierung, für alle AAS geeignet (Ausnahme: PerkinElmer)
Bild 2: M2000 Serie mit Kodierung für alle Agilent / Varian AAS
Bild 3: M3000 Serie mit Kodierung für alle Thermo Scientific / Unicam AAS

Element Nr. uncodiert Agilent cod. Thermo cod. Photron Nr. Wellenlänge nm 2te Wellenlänge
Ag Silber M1001 M2001 M3001 P851 328.1 338.3
Al Aluminium M1002 M2002 M3002 P801 396.2 308.2 – 309
As Arsen M1003 M2003 M3003 P803 193.7 189.0 – 197.2
Au Gold M1004 M2004 M3004 P821 242.8 267.6
B Bor M1005 M2005 M3005 P807 249.8 208.9
Ba Barium M1006 M2006 M3006 P804 553.5 455.4 – 493.4
Be Beryllium M1007 M2007 M3007 P805 234.9 -
Bi Wismut M1008 M2008 M3008 P806 223.1 222.8 – 227.7
Ca Kalzium M1009 M2009 M3009 P809 422.7 239.9
Cd Kadmium M1010 M2010 M3010 P808 228.8 326.1
Ce Cer M1011 M2011 M3011 P811 520.0 569.7
Co Kobalt M1012 M2012 M3012 P813 240.7 304.4
Cr Chrom M1013 M2013 M3013 P812 357.9 425.4 – 427.5
Cs Cäsium M1014 M2014 M3014 P810 852.1 455.6
Cu Kupfer M1015 M2015 M3015 P814 324.8 217.9 – 218.2
Dy Dysprosium M1016 M2016 M3016 P815 421.2 404.6
Er Erbium M1017 M2017 M3017 P816 400.8 389.3
Eu Europium M1018 M2018 M3018 P817 459.4 462.7
Fe Eisen M1019 M2019 M3019 P826 248.3 248.8 – 372.0
Ga Gallium M1020 M2020 M3020 P819 294.4 403.3 – 417.2
Gd Gadolinium M1021 M2021 M3021 P818 368.4 405.8 – 407.9
Ge Germanium M1022 M2022 M3022 P820 265.2 271.0
Hf Hafnium M1023 M2023 M3023 P822 307.8 268.2
Hg Quecksilber M1024 M2024 M3024 P833 253.7 -
Ho Holmium M1025 M2025 M3025 P823 410.4 405.4 – 425.4
H2 M1026 M2026 M3026 P869 170 – 380 -
In Indium M1027 M2027 M3027 P824 303.9 325.6 – 410.2
Ir Iridium M1028 M2028 M3028 P825 208.9 264.0 – 266.5
K Kalium M1029 M2029 M3029 P841 766.5 404.4 – 769.9
La Lanthan M1030 M2030 M3030 P827 550.1 403.7
Li Lithium M1031 M2031 M3031 P829 670.8 323.3
Lu Lutetium M1032 M2032 M3032 P830 335.9 337.6 – 356.7
Mg Magnesium M1033 M2033 M3033 P831 285.2 202.5
Mn Mangan M1034 M2034 M3034 P832 279.5 279.8 – 280.1
Mo Molybdän M1035 M2035 M3035 P834 313.3 320.9
Na Natrium M1036 M2036 M3036 P852 589.0 330.2 – 589.6
Nb Niob M1037 M2037 M3037 P837 334.9 405.9 – 408.0
Nd Neodym M1038 M2038 M3038 P835 492.5 463.4
Ni Nickel M1039 M2039 M3039 P836 232.0 231.1 – 341.5
Os Osmium M1040 M2040 M3040 P838 290.9 305.9 – 426.0
P Phosphor M1041 M2041 M3041 P874 213.6 -
Pb Blei M1042 M2042 M3042 P828 217.0 261.4 – 283.3
Pd Palladium M1043 M2043 M3043 P839 247.6 244.8 – 340.5
Pr Praseodym M1044 M2044 M3044 P842 495.1 513.3
Pt Platin M1045 M2045 M3045 P840 265.9 264.7 – 299.8
Rb Rubidium M1046 M2046 M3046 P845 780.0 794.8
Re Rhenium M1047 M2047 M3047 P843 346.0 346.5
Rh Rhodium M1048 M2048 M3048 P844 343.5 328.1 – 369.2
Ru Ruthenium M1049 M2049 M3049 P846 349.9 392.6
Sb Antimon M1050 M2050 M3050 P802 217.6 206.8 – 217.9
Sc Scandium M1051 M2051 M3051 P848 391.2 390.8
Se Selen M1052 M2052 M3052 P849 196.0 204.0
Si Silizium M1053 M2053 M3053 P850 251.6 250.7 – 251.4
Sm Samarium M1054 M2054 M3054 P847 429.7 476.0
Sn Zinn M1055 M2055 M3055 P860 235.5 224.6 – 266.1
Sr Strontium M1056 M2056 M3056 P853 460.7 407.8
Ta Tantal M1057 M2057 M3057 P854 271.5 275.8
Tb Terbium M1058 M2058 M3058 P856 432.7 431.9 – 433.8
Te Tellur M1059 M2059 M3059 P855 214.3 225.9
Ti Titan M1060 M2060 M3060 P861 364.3 365.4 – 399.0
Th Thorium M1061 M2061 M3061 P858 371.9 -
Tl Thallium M1062 M2062 M3062 P857 276.7 258.0
Tm Thulium M1063 M2063 M3063 P859 371.8 436.0 – 410.6
U Uran M1064 M2064 M3064 P863 358.5 356.6 – 351.4
V Vanadium M1065 M2065 M3065 P864 318.5 306.6 – 318.4
W Wolfram M1066 M2066 M3066 P862 255.1 294.7 – 400.9
Y Yttrium M1067 M2067 M3067 P866 410.2 414.2
Yb Ytterbium M1068 M2068 M3068 P865 398.8 346.4
Zn Zink M1069 M2069 M3069 P867 213.9 307.6
Zr Zirkonium M1070 M2070 M3070 P868 360.1 468.7 – 354.8
Element Nr. uncodiert Agilent cod. Thermo cod. Photron Nr. Wellenlänge nm 2te Wellenlänge

Picture 1: uncoded (M1000)
Picture 2: coded for Varian (M2000)
Picture 3: coded for Thermo / Unicam (M3000)