2.0“ / 51 mm HKL für Perkin Elmer - Einzelelement / Mehrelement
Kodierte Hohlkathodenlampen für Perkin Elmer AAS, passend in Durchmesser und Anschluss. Hohe Qualität durch größere Kathodengeometrie, erhöhter Edelgasmenge, Nachreinigung und Getter. Dark-Space Isolierung mit Ringanode zur Vermeidung von Nebenentladungen.
Aus Umweltschutzgründen werden die Lumina Lampen standardmäßig ohne Timer geliefert (dieser enthält Quecksilber), falls trotzdem ein Timer benötigt wird, bitte ein T an die Bestellnummer anhängen. (Bsp.: M6xxxT). Aufpreis für Timer: 50.- Euro. Der unkodierte 9 pin Stecker (Best.Nr. 5M4xxx) für ältere Geräte ist ebenso noch erhältlich.
Kodierter 12 Pin Stecker Nummern wie: M5xxx
2.0“ / 51 mm HKL for Perkin Elmer - single element / multi element
These hollow cathode lamps are produced to provide direct use without adapters in all Perkin Elmer AAS instruments. All windows on these lamps are fully fused and contain no "gassy" adhesives which drastically reduce shelf life.
- Totally hermeitc glass seals ensures a clean fill gas and cathode for the life of the lamp and most importantly a shelf life longer than 5 years.
- The application of the same glass cathode sheilding technique used in all Photron hollow cathode lamps gives maximum stability throughout lamp life.
- Due to the elegantly simple design of the electrode geometry of Photron lamps, less mass is present within the lamp, reducing outgassing and making the lamp more resistant to breakage from lateral shock.
For a Timer add "T" to the Part number!!
Picture 1:
Uncoded lamp with 9-pin plug (M4000)

Bild 1: Kodierte Lampe mit 12-pin Stecker (M5000)
Picture 2:
Coded lamp with 12-pin plug (M5000)

Bild 2: Kodierte Lampe mit Lumina-Sockel (M6000)
Picture 3:
Coded lamp with lumina-socket (M6000)

Element | Art. Nr. | Photron Art. Nr. | PerkinElmer Art. Nr. |
Ag Silber | M6001 | P951LL | N305-0102 |
Al Aluminium | M6002 | P901LL | N305-0103 |
As Arsen | M6003 | P903LL | N305-0105 |
Au Gold | M6004 | P921LL | N305-0107 |
B Bor | M6005 | P907LL | N305-0108 |
Ba Barium | M6006 | P904LL | N305-0109 |
Be Beryllium | M6007 | P905LL | N305-0110 |
Bi Wismut | M6008 | P906LL | N305-0111 |
Ca Kalzium | M6009 | P909LL | N305-0114 |
Cd Kadmium | M6010 | P908LL | N305-0115 |
Co Kobalt | M6012 | P913LL | N305-0118 |
Cr Chrom | M6013 | P912LL | N305-0119 |
Cu Kupfer | M6015 | P914LL | N305-0121 |
Dy Dysprosium | M6016 | P915LL | N305-0122 |
Er Erbium | M6017 | P916LL | N305-0123 |
Eu Europium | M6018 | P917LL | N305-0124 |
Fe Eisen | M6019 | P926LL | N305-0126 |
Ga Gallium | M6020 | P919LL | N305-0128 |
Gd Gadolinium | M6021 | P918LL | N305-0129 |
Ge Germanium | M6022 | P920LL | N305-0130 |
Hf Hafnium | M6023 | P922LL | N305-0133 |
Hg Quecksilber | M6024 | P933LL | N305-0134 |
Ho Holmuim | M6025 | P923LL | N305-0135 |
In Indium | M6027 | P924LL | N305-0137 |
Ir Iridium | M6028 | P925LL | N305-0138 |
K Kalium | M6029 | P941LL | N305-0139 |
La Lanthan | M6030 | P927LL | N305-0141 |
Li Lithium | M3031 | P929LL | N305-0142 |
Lu Lutetium | M6032 | P930LL | n.v. |
Mg Magnesium | M6033 | P931LL | N305-0144 |
Mn Mangan | M6034 | P932LL | N305-0145 |
Mo Molybdän | M6035 | P934LL | N305-0146 |
Na Natrium | M6036 | P952LL | N305-0148 |
Nb Niob | M6037 | P937LL | N305-0149 |
Nd Neodym | M6038 | P935LL | N305-0150 |
Ni Nickel | M6039 | P936LL | N305-0152 |
Os Osmium | M6040 | P938LL | n.v. |
P Phosphor | M6041 | P974LL | N305-0155 |
Pb Blei | M6042 | P928LL | N305-0157 |
Pd Palladium | M6043 | P939LL | N305-0158 |
Pr Praesodym | M6044 | P942LL | N305-0161 |
Pt Platin | M6045 | P940LL | N305-0162 |
Rb Rubidium | M6046 | - | n.v. |
Re Rhenium | M6047 | P943LL | N305-0165 |
Rh Rhodium | M6048 | P944LL | N305-0166 |
Ru Ruthenium | M6049 | P946LL | N305-0168 |
Sb Antimon | M6050 | P902LL | N305-0170 |
Sc Scandium | M6051 | P918LL | N305-0171 |
Se Selen | M6052 | P949LL | N305-0172 |
Si Silizium | M6053 | P950LL | N305-0173 |
Sm Samarium | M6054 | P947LL | N305-0174 |
Sn Zinn | M6055 | P960LL | N305-0175 |
Sr Strontium | M6056 | P953LL | N305-0176 |
Ta Tantal | M6057 | P954LL | N305-0177 |
Tb Terbium | M6058 | P956LL | N305-0178 |
Te Tellur | M6059 | P955LL | N305-0180 |
Ti Titan | M6060 | P961LL | N305-0182 |
Tl Thallium | M6062 | P957LL | N305-0183 |
Tm Thulium | M6063 | P959LL | N305-0184 |
V Vanadium | M6065 | P964LL | N305-0186 |
W Wolfram | M6066 | P962LL | N305-0187 |
Y Yttrium | M6067 | P966LL | N305-0189 |
Yb Ytterbium | M6068 | P965LL | N305-0190 |
Zn Zink | M6069 | P967LL | N305-0191 |
Zr Zirkonium | M6080 | P968LL | N305-0192 |
Element | Art. Nr. | Photron Art. Nr. | PerkinElmer Art. Nr. |
Au-Ag | M6174 | P686LL | N305-0201 |
Ca-Mg | M6070 | P970LL | N305-0202 |
Ca-Zn | M6156 | P661LL | N305-0203 |
K-Na | M6071 | P971LL | N305-0204 |
Al-Ca-Mg | M6106 | P606LL | N305-0207 |
Ca-Mg-Zn | M6075 | P6-0002LL | N305-0208 |
Cu-Fe-Ni | M6155 | P660LL | N305-0209 |
Cu-Fe-Mn-Zn | M6124 | P624LL | N305-0212 |
Ag-Cr-Cu-Ni | M6180 | P693LL | N305-0210 |
Ag-Cr-Cu-Fe-Ni | M6163 | P670LL | N305-0213 |
Co-Cu-Fe-Mn-Mo | M6179 | P692LL | N305-0215 |
Co-Cr-Cu-Mn-Ni | M6214 | P6-0034LL | N305-0214 |
Co-Cr-Cu-Fe-Mn-Ni | M6073 | P973LL | N305-0217 |
Ag-Al-Cr-Cu-Fe-Mg | M6203 | P6-0022LL | N305-0216 |

Element | OEM | Description | Maassen | Photron Ag Silver | N066-1281 | coded 12pin plug | M5001 | P951C | N305-0102 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6001 | P951LL | Al Aluminium | N066-1290 | coded 12pin plug | M5002 | P901C | N305-0103 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6002 | P901LL | As Arsenic | N066-1277 | coded 12pin plug | M5003 | P903C | N305-0105 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6003 | P903LL | Au Gold | N066-1253 | coded 12pin plug | M5004 | P921C | N305-0107 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6004 | P921LL | B Boron | N066-1269 | coded 12pin plug | M5005 | P907C | N305-0108 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6005 | P907LL | Ba Barium | N066-1237 | coded 12pin plug | M5006 | P904C | N305-0109 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6006 | P904LL | Be Beryllium | N066-1287 | coded 12pin plug | M5007 | P905C | N305-0110 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6007 | P905LL | Bi Bismuth | N066-1260 | coded 12pin plug | M5008 | P906C | N305-0111 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6008 | P906LL | Ca Calcium | N066-1293 | coded 12pin plug | M5009 | P909C | N305-0114 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6009 | P909LL | Cd Kadmium | N066-1244 | coded 12pin plug | M5010 | P908C | N305-0115 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6010 | P908LL | Co Cobalt | N066-1249 | coded 12pin plug | M5012 | P913C | N305-0118 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6012 | P913LL | Cr Chromium | N066-1297 | coded 12pin plug | M5013 | P912C | N305-0119 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6013 | P912LL | Cu Copper | N066-1296 | coded 12pin plug | M5015 | P914C | N305-0121 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6015 | P914LL | Dy Dysprosium | N066-1268 | coded 12pin plug | M5016 | P915C | N305-0122 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M5016 | P915LL | Er Erbium | N066-1282 | coded 12pin plug | M5017 | P916C | N305-0123 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6017 | P916LL | Eu Europium | N066-1271 | coded 12pin plug | M5018 | P917C | N305-0124 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6018 | P917LL | Fe Iron | N066-1298 | coded 12pin plug | M5019 | P926C | N305-0126 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6019 | P926LL | Ga Gallium | N066-1241 | coded 12pin plug | M5020 | P919C | N305-0128 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6020 | P919LL | Gd Gadolinium | N066-1200 | coded 12pin plug | M5021 | P918C | N305-0129 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6021 | P918LL | Ge Germanium | N066-1201 | coded 12pin plug | M5022 | P920C | N305-0130 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6022 | P920LL | Hf Hafnium | N066-1238 | coded 12pin plug | M5023 | P922C | N305-0133 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6023 | P922LL | Hg Mercury | N066-1291 | coded 12pin plug | M5024 | P933C | N305-0134 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6024 | P933LL | Ho Holmuim | N066-1272 | coded 12pin plug | M5025 | P923C | N305-0135 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6025 | P923LL | In Indium | N066-1242 | coded 12pin plug | M5027 | P924C | N305-0137 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6027 | P924LL | Ir Iridium | N066-1210 | coded 12pin plug | M5028 | P925C | N305-0138 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6028 | P925LL | K Potassium | N066-1205 | coded 12pin plug | M5029 | P941C | N305-0139 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6029 | P941LL | La Lanthanum | N066-1213 | coded 12pin plug | M5030 | P927C | N305-0141 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6030 | P927LL | Li Lithium | N066-1216 | coded 12pin plug | M5031 | P929C | N305-0142 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6031 | P929LL | Lu Lutetium | n.a. | uncoded 12pin plug | M5032 | P930C | n.a. | uncoded Lumina 4pin socket | M6032 | P930LL | Mg Magnesium | N066-1292 | coded 12pin plug | M5033 | P931C | N305-0144 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6033 | P931LL | Mn Manganese | N066-1294 | coded 12pin plug | M5034 | P932C | N305-0145 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6034 | P932LL | Mo Molybdenum | N066-1225 | coded 12pin plug | M5035 | P934C | N305-0146 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6035 | P934LL | Na Sodium | N066-1203 | coded 12pin plug | M5036 | P952C | N305-0148 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6036 | P952LL | Nb Niobium | N066-0301 | coded 12pin plug | M5037 | P937C | N305-0149 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6037 | P937LL | Nd Neodymium | N066-1220 | coded 12pin plug | M5038 | P935C | N305-0150 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6038 | P935LL | Ni Nickel | N066-1207 | coded 12pin plug | M5039 | P936C | N305-0152 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6039 | P936LL | Os Osmium | n.a. | uncoded 12pin plug | M5040 | P938C | n.a. | uncoded Lumina 4pin socket | M6040 | P938LL | P Phosphorus | N066-1300 | coded 12pin plug | M5041 | P974C | N305-0155 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6041 | P974LL | Pb Lead | N066-1299 | coded 12pin plug | M5042 | P928C | N305-0157 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6042 | P928LL | Pd Palladium | N066-1248 | coded 12pin plug | M5043 | P939C | N305-0158 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6043 | P939LL | Pr Praesodym | N066-1258 | coded 12pin plug | M5044 | P942C | N305-0161 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6044 | P942LL | Pt Platinum | N066-1288 | coded 12pin plug | M5045 | P940C | N305-0162 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6045 | P940LL | Rb Rubidium | n.a. | only uncoded available | M5046 | P945 | Re Rhenium | N066-1303 | coded 12pin plug | M5047 | P943C | N305-0165 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6047 | P943LL | Rh Rhodium | N066-1267 | coded 12pin plug | M5048 | P944C | N305-0166 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6048 | P944LL | Ru Ruthenium | N066-1302 | coded 12pin plug | M5049 | P946C | N305-0168 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6049 | P946LL | Sb Antimony | N066-1284 | coded 12pin plug | M5050 | P902C | N305-0170 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6050 | P902LL | Sc Scandium | N066-1280 | coded 12pin plug | M5051 | P918C | N305-0171 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6051 | P918LL | Se Selenium | N066-1243 | coded 12pin plug | M5052 | P949C | N305-0172 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6052 | P949LL | Si Silicon | N066-1204 | coded 12pin plug | M5053 | P950C | N305-0173 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6053 | P950LL | Sm Samarium | N066-1230 | coded 12pin plug | M5054 | P947C | N305-0174 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6054 | P947LL | Sn Tin | N066-1206 | coded 12pin plug | M5055 | P960C | N305-0175 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6055 | P960LL | Sr Strontium | N066-1274 | coded 12pin plug | M5056 | P953C | N305-0176 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6056 | P953LL | Ta Tantalum | N066-1265 | coded 12pin plug | M5057 | P954C | N305-0177 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6057 | P954LL | Tb Terbium | N066-1289 | coded 12pin plug | M5058 | P956C | N305-0178 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M5058 | P956LL | Te Tellurium | N066-1273 | coded 12pin plug | M5059 | P955C | N305-0180 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6059 | P955LL | Ti Titanium | N066-1278 | coded 12pin plug | M5060 | P961C | N305-0182 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6060 | P961LL | Tl Thallium | N066-1202 | coded 12pin plug | M5062 | P957C | N305-0183 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6062 | P957LL | Tm Thulium | N066-1257 | coded 12pin plug | M5063 | P959C | N305-0184 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6063 | P959LL | U Uranium | n.a. | only uncoded available | M5064 | P963 | V Vanadium | N066-1221 | coded 12pin plug | M5065 | P964C | N305-0186 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6065 | P964LL | W Tungsten | N066-1209 | coded 12pin plug | M5066 | P962C | N305-0187 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6066 | P962LL | Y Yttrium | N066-1212 | coded 12pin plug | M5067 | P966C | N305-0189 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6067 | P966LL | Yb Ytterbium | N066-1286 | coded 12pin plug | M5068 | P965C | N305-0190 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6068 | P965LL | Zn Zinc | N066-1295 | coded 12pin plug | M5069 | P967C | N305-0191 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6069 | P967LL | Zr Zirconium | N066-1214 | coded 12pin plug | M5080 | P968C | N305-0192 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6080 | P968LL | Au-Ag | N066-1259 | coded 12pin plug | M5174 | P686C | N305-0201 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6174 | P686LL | Ca-Mg | N066-1285 | coded 12pin plug | 5070 | P970C | N305-0202 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6070 | P970LL | Ca-Zn | N066-1283 | coded 12pin plug | M5156 | P661C | N305-0203 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6156 | P661LL | Cu-Zn | n.a. | only uncoded available | M4072 | P972 | K-Na | N066-1276 | coded 12pin plug | M5071 | P971C | N305-0204 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6071 | P971LL | Al-Ca-Mg | N066-1228 | coded 12pin plug | M5106 | P606C | N305-0207 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6106 | P606LL | Ca-Mg-Zn | N066-1208 | coded 12pin plug | - | - | N305-0208 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6024 | P6-002LL | Cu-Fe-Ni | N066-1266 | coded 12pin plug | M5155 | P660C | N305-0209 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6155 | P660LL | Cu-Fe-Mn-Zn | N066-1219 | coded 12pin plug | M5124 | P624C | N305-0212 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6124 | P624LL | Ag-Cr-Cu-Ni | N066-1239 | coded 12pin plug | M5180 | P693C | N305-0210 | coded Lumina 4pin socket | M6180 | P693LL |
From the first of November 2023 our company will be in our NEW LOCATION at Ludwigsburg Germany.
All shippments that will arrive later then 1. November only to our new adress:
Laboratory products
Ludwigsburger Strasse 77
71696 MOEGLINGEN , Germany
in the search of a pressing tool for a labratory press for CR20xx batteries in individual production? We do have the tool for you, please inquire for more information.
Where high pure acids like HNO3, HCl or HF is needed the PTFE subboiler at hand will be enormously helpful! more Information: here