
Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.

Search for 9423  393  95041

Displaying results 1 to 5 out of 5

Thermo (Unicam) 81%

... Thermo Scientific Graphite Tubes and Contacts

Thermo (Unicam) 81%

... p/n Maassen p/n QTY / box Standard tube coated, plain 9423-393-95091 56UN001 10 Patridged Tube, uncoated 9423-393-95031 56UN002 10 Patridged Tube, coated 9423-393-95071 56UN004 10 Patridged Tube, oated, ELC 9423-393-95041 56UN006 10 Omega-Platform Tube, coated 9423-490-20101 56TEUOP 10 Contact Set Zeeman

Thermo (Unicam) 81%

... p/n Maassen p/n QTY / box Standard tube coated, plain 9423-393-95091 56UN001 10 Patridged Tube, uncoated 9423-393-95031 56UN002 10 Patridged Tube, coated 9423-393-95071 56UN004 10 Patridged Tube, oated, ELC 9423-393-95041 56UN006 10 Omega-Platform Tube, coated 9423-490-20101 56TEUOP 10 Contact Set Zeeman

Thermo (Unicam) 80%

... Thermo p/n Maassen p/n QTY / box Standard tube coated, plain 9423-393-95091 56UN001 10 Patridged Tube, uncoated 9423-393-95031 out of production

Thermo (Unicam) 78%

... no. Qty. / VE Tube, pyrocoated 56UN004 recommended! 9423-393-95091 56UN001 10 pcs Tube, uncoated, halfrings 9423-393-95031 56UN002 10 pcs Tube, pyrocoated, halfrings 9423-393-95071 56UN004 10 pcs Tube, pyrocoated – LONGLIFE thicker coated, recommenden for over night runs 9423-393-95041 56UN006 10 pcs Tube, pyrocoated with Omega – platform



Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.

Search for 9423  393  95041

Displaying results 1 to 5 out of 5

Thermo (Unicam) 81%

... Thermo Scientific Graphite Tubes and Contacts

Thermo (Unicam) 81%

... p/n Maassen p/n QTY / box Standard tube coated, plain 9423-393-95091 56UN001 10 Patridged Tube, uncoated 9423-393-95031 56UN002 10 Patridged Tube, coated 9423-393-95071 56UN004 10 Patridged Tube, oated, ELC 9423-393-95041 56UN006 10 Omega-Platform Tube, coated 9423-490-20101 56TEUOP 10 Contact Set Zeeman

Thermo (Unicam) 81%

... p/n Maassen p/n QTY / box Standard tube coated, plain 9423-393-95091 56UN001 10 Patridged Tube, uncoated 9423-393-95031 56UN002 10 Patridged Tube, coated 9423-393-95071 56UN004 10 Patridged Tube, oated, ELC 9423-393-95041 56UN006 10 Omega-Platform Tube, coated 9423-490-20101 56TEUOP 10 Contact Set Zeeman

Thermo (Unicam) 80%

... Thermo p/n Maassen p/n QTY / box Standard tube coated, plain 9423-393-95091 56UN001 10 Patridged Tube, uncoated 9423-393-95031 out of production

Thermo (Unicam) 78%

... no. Qty. / VE Tube, pyrocoated 56UN004 recommended! 9423-393-95091 56UN001 10 pcs Tube, uncoated, halfrings 9423-393-95031 56UN002 10 pcs Tube, pyrocoated, halfrings 9423-393-95071 56UN004 10 pcs Tube, pyrocoated – LONGLIFE thicker coated, recommenden for over night runs 9423-393-95041 56UN006 10 pcs Tube, pyrocoated with Omega – platform